
What can I do in this situaion?

On Feb 26th when I went to work, my badge wouldn't work. I had to go to main office where a guard gives you a tremp badge. On my way down the hall, I passed my supervisor and told him about my badge. He said, “Thats odd. We will be seeing you shortly and talk about it.” Okay… Then I see Im scheduled for training… I dont have any training to do tho. Half hr after sitting on computer messing around wondering what Im supposed to be doing, 1 of the process leads tells me I need to go talk to the supervisor. I meet him, the assist sup & a security guard where Im told “(My employer) decided to look into my attendance and has decided to terminate you.” After sitting there in misbelief bc my attendance wasn't bad, I was escorted to my locker, asked to hand over…

On Feb 26th when I went to work, my badge wouldn't work. I had to go to main office where a guard gives you a tremp badge. On my way down the hall, I passed my supervisor and told him about my badge. He said, “Thats odd. We will be seeing you shortly and talk about it.” Okay… Then I see Im scheduled for training… I dont have any training to do tho.
Half hr after sitting on computer messing around wondering what Im supposed to be doing, 1 of the process leads tells me I need to go talk to the supervisor. I meet him, the assist sup & a security guard where Im told “(My employer) decided to look into my attendance and has decided to terminate you.” After sitting there in misbelief bc my attendance wasn't bad, I was escorted to my locker, asked to hand over both badges & escorted to the exit where the guard said I had fo leave the premises immediately. Then he stood there until I got into my truck and left. I file for unemployment, obviously. Today I learned my ex employer reported I quit! Wtf?!?! Bullshit. Therewas so much they did that evening to show they were leading up to firing me. And witnesses, plus they fired another women also.
I believe the supervisors wanted me gone and didnt actually have permission from HR so they had to say I quit. I was very verbal about the amount of nepotism going on in that place, and that's why I think they fired me. Yes, wrongful termination, hence them trying to say I quit. How can I fight this?? It's bullshit, I never would've quit that job. The ppl were ridiculous to deal with most nights and a ton of bs happen, but it was a great job and I never intended on leaving. I'd actually go back if I was allowed.
On my unemployment dashboard is a fact finding form they want me to fill out. But where it says, “Separation reason” it only gives 2 options: Voluntary quit & Leave of absence. And UC considers the 2nd a voluntary quit, so its voluntary quit or voluntary quit?? And you have to select one of them in order to submit the form. Uh no! I didnt fkn quit! Thats not exactly fact finding imo, but rather accusing claimant did infact quit and UC asking why. They're not giving you a chance to defend yourself. So Im not doing the form because then Im admitting I quit. Wtf can I do?? Everyone was surprised, confused and pissed they fired me. Do I need a lawyer? Can I sue for wrongful termination? (About a yr ago the supervisor lost his ability to fire people & now has to go thru HR and get permission. So saying I quit is his way around that apparantly). I want this mfer to see Im not rug he can walk all over. I want to expose what they're doing there and get his ass fired for this BS.

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