
What crazy things do you do to accommodate older bosses? I print every email.

We print every single email we receive and distribute a copy of each email to every employee. I have 3 bosses, all over 70, who prefer to read hard copies and hand write their responses for a secretary to type. All 3 have computer and look at emails on their phones, but still want the paper copy. We also proofread every inquiry to make sure it is entered correctly … even though it is all imported via excel with 0% chance of errors. What crazy thing do you do to accommodate older coworkers or bosses?

We print every single email we receive and distribute a copy of each email to every employee. I have 3 bosses, all over 70, who prefer to read hard copies and hand write their responses for a secretary to type. All 3 have computer and look at emails on their phones, but still want the paper copy.

We also proofread every inquiry to make sure it is entered correctly … even though it is all imported via excel with 0% chance of errors.

What crazy thing do you do to accommodate older coworkers or bosses?

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