
What date should I put on my 2 weeks?

The wife and I are going on vacation this Friday and won’t be back for 1 week. My wife is going to put her 2 weeks effective today but we aren’t sure what day to put. “I’m putting in my 2 week notice effective today. My last day will be Friday July 21st” I told her to put for Friday July 21st. I feel like we are thinking too hard about this. What do you guys think?

The wife and I are going on vacation this Friday and won’t be back for 1 week. My wife is going to put her 2 weeks effective today but we aren’t sure what day to put.

“I’m putting in my 2 week notice effective today. My last day will be Friday July 21st”

I told her to put for Friday July 21st. I feel like we are thinking too hard about this.

What do you guys think?

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