
What do I do about a hostile coworker when my company is known for brushing violence under the rug?

Hello all, I’m not 100% sure this would be the right sub for this question, but I’ve seen a lot of really great work advice from people here so I trust your judgment and I just really need help. I work for a large American corporation that has had problems in the past with ignoring violent employees to the detriment of their other employees. (Issues ranging in scale from verbal harassment to physical assault to murder.) I’m already on my way out the door, (only have 3 months left and I’ve got another job lined up.) HOWEVER. I have a current coworker, let’s call her Sally, who is extremely hostile and aggressive. She escalates even the smallest things into a huge deal. She is regularly cussing out our customer base and calling people names. I’m not talking about nasty karen customers, I’m talking about polite, reasonable customers who made a…

Hello all, I’m not 100% sure this would be the right sub for this question, but I’ve seen a lot of really great work advice from people here so I trust your judgment and I just really need help.

I work for a large American corporation that has had problems in the past with ignoring violent employees to the detriment of their other employees. (Issues ranging in scale from verbal harassment to physical assault to murder.)

I’m already on my way out the door, (only have 3 months left and I’ve got another job lined up.) HOWEVER. I have a current coworker, let’s call her Sally, who is extremely hostile and aggressive. She escalates even the smallest things into a huge deal. She is regularly cussing out our customer base and calling people names. I’m not talking about nasty karen customers, I’m talking about polite, reasonable customers who made a simple mistake or just got something confused. She regularly screams at other employees for no actual reason, never does her work, is constantly muttering and cursing under her breath when she thinks no one is around, throws things around the store when she gets mad (even if people are around), and more but you get the picture by now. I have talked to my boss about her behavior NUMEROUS times as well as her being hostile toward me personally. my boss finally admitted yesterday that they’ve never actually addressed ANY of the issues with Sally. I’ve also heard sally make “jokes” about shooting deaths to my boss and other coworkers before.

I can’t just ignore/avoid sally because technically I am her manager when the primary manager is out. I also can’t afford to quit just yet. I’m considering escalating the situation to HR but,

1). I’ve personally experienced retaliation from HR in the past after reporting sexual harassment from a former manager. They ALSO immediately told my manager it was me and gave them my report to read.

And 2). Sally is mentally unstable, extremely hostile, and likes to joke about shooting people. Being in America, I can easily see any retaliation from her escalating into gun violence.

Help? How do I report her while also remaining safe? WHO do I even report this to given my history with HR and this company’s lack of precautions and safety.

Thanks in advance, loves.

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