
What do I do about a work sponsored guest speaker touching me?

Sigh. I just had a work event- a work “retreat.” It was mandatory. The day started with yoga to apparently center ourselves. I politely declined, as they said it was optional, and as someone with ADHD, yoga makes me uncomfortable. A woman I hadn't seen before approached me and asked why I didn't want to be “loose.” She grabbed my hand and began asking my name and age, then devolving into a story of how she was in her 60s and a breast cancer survivor. As people came upstairs, she grabbed my arm and pulled me away from people to keep talking. At this point she said “I am going to touch you” like she hadn't been already. Once she got me to a corner, she told me I need to learn to “go with the flow”, that I'm too young to be this closed off if she's in her…


I just had a work event- a work “retreat.” It was mandatory. The day started with yoga to apparently center ourselves. I politely declined, as they said it was optional, and as someone with ADHD, yoga makes me uncomfortable.

A woman I hadn't seen before approached me and asked why I didn't want to be “loose.” She grabbed my hand and began asking my name and age, then devolving into a story of how she was in her 60s and a breast cancer survivor. As people came upstairs, she grabbed my arm and pulled me away from people to keep talking. At this point she said “I am going to touch you” like she hadn't been already. Once she got me to a corner, she told me I need to learn to “go with the flow”, that I'm too young to be this closed off if she's in her 60s and has had trauma and is open, and that I must not be great at my job if I'm this closed off. Insert something about God. Weird enough, but not the worst part.

She then opens her arms like she was going to hug me. I said, very clearly, “no.” She said she wasn't taking no for an answer and put her arms around me. When I froze, she said she didn't do “police hugs” (I still don't know what that means) and said I had to hug her back. I kind of awkwardly patted her once to get her to let go. Once she walked away, I immediately broke down into tears. No one should really be touching anyone at work, but no one should be touched at all after saying no. My boundaries were ignored. I'm autistic, especially, so please stop touching me.

My supervisor is aware, but I don't know if anything plans to be done. It's a small company – about 30 people – and we outsource our HR, but I've never heard of anyone actually using it. I'm tempted to find out, but I really don't know what my best course of action is here. My work tends to take offense to a lot of my communication because I'm blunt and straightforward. I just had a meeting about how my use of a period is rude. I've been looking for new work and am just here to pay my bills for now. What do I do here?

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