
What do I do when co-workers are sabotaging me, and taking credit for the work I do and telling others that I am incompetent…

Firstly I don't want to hear “FInD a NeW Job” please. Also this post could get long so I'm not giving every example and detail. Just trying to get the point across. TLDR: My supervisor and coworkers have been taking credit for the things I'd do at work that the administration likes, and then talk about me like I'm incompetent… I've lost jobs over stuff like this in the past, so it's not like it's anything I haven't seen before, just not sure how to combat this stuff. I need advice on ways to handle this and I couldn't think of anywhere else to go. Kinda stressed so I'm going to rant, here it goes… I've been at my current job since last August. I'm pretty sure I got it because of my military experience and my computer skills. With a few exceptions everyone else that works there is nearly…

Firstly I don't want to hear “FInD a NeW Job” please.

Also this post could get long so I'm not giving every example and detail. Just trying to get the point across.

TLDR: My supervisor and coworkers have been taking credit for the things I'd do at work that the administration likes, and then talk about me like I'm incompetent… I've lost jobs over stuff like this in the past, so it's not like it's anything I haven't seen before, just not sure how to combat this stuff.

I need advice on ways to handle this and I couldn't think of anywhere else to go. Kinda stressed so I'm going to rant, here it goes…

I've been at my current job since last August. I'm pretty sure I got it because of my military experience and my computer skills. With a few exceptions everyone else that works there is nearly twice my age. The job comes with some legwork early in the shift (which I always do while the other guy does paperwork. IF the supervisor decides to come in one time, she sleeps till 4am, mostly she just comes in at 3am or 4am.) When the administrators comes in, the shift supervisor and the other guy tend to take over things so they look good.

I'm not a very fast learner, but I am persistent, curious, and I have a great memory. After I've learned one thing I move on to the next, which the bosses at my current job loved for a while. The supervisor and the other guy were clearly very angry when I got new responsibilities, which they have taken from me now And if I went above at all, they'd take all the credit for it and say that I am 'still learning'

I have huge trust issues when it comes to authority figures. Everywhere I go I seem to get shafted like this. Even in the Army, I once had to stand in the front of a formation and watch as my squad leader was showered with praise and given an award for something that I and a few others busted our asses on for 2 months.

My last job, I had seniority by a long shot. But we get this new guy who's twice my age and had a big problem with “Millennials” and he was very vocal about it. Most of the time it was just me and him and if he fucked something up and I corrected him, he'd scream and curse at me in front of everyone. If I let him make the mistake he'd tell the boss that I did it. It took him 6 months to do it but eventually they believed his lies and I had to quit cause of all the rumors he started about me, I couldn't do my job anymore.

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