
What do I even do now?

It's one of those things that you read about in the news, but you never think about it happening to you. Until it does. Last Monday, I was supposed to start a new job with a new company. It was supposed to be a new beginning. It was supposed to be the first step down a new path in my journey through life. Instead, I have nothing. Halfway through my final day at my previous job with my previous employer (after having given a 3-week notice), I received a phone call from the HR manager at the new company, informing me that they were rescinding their offer. The phone call lasted all of 2 minutes and 6 seconds. I was given no detail as to why they made this decision, nor why they waited until literally the Friday before I was supposed to start. I was offered only a weak…

It's one of those things that you read about in the news, but you never think about it happening to you. Until it does.

Last Monday, I was supposed to start a new job with a new company. It was supposed to be a new beginning. It was supposed to be the first step down a new path in my journey through life. Instead, I have nothing.

Halfway through my final day at my previous job with my previous employer (after having given a 3-week notice), I received a phone call from the HR manager at the new company, informing me that they were rescinding their offer. The phone call lasted all of 2 minutes and 6 seconds. I was given no detail as to why they made this decision, nor why they waited until literally the Friday before I was supposed to start. I was offered only a weak apology before summarily being hung up on.

Immediately, I went to my (now former) boss, who went to his boss, who made calls even further up the chain to see if my resignation could be withdrawn. Just as my luck would have it, however, it was revealed that my previous employer had taken my notice of resignation as an opportunity to eliminate a position from our department, and thus my job would no longer exist after that day.

I was supposed to start a new job with a new company. Instead, I am left with nothing. Nothing but a handful of “I'm so sorry.” Well, “sorry” doesn't put food on the table. “Sorry” doesn't pay the mortgage or the electricity or the heating (as it snows in Minnesota). “Sorry” doesn't even begin to touch what I need right now.

What do I even do now? Am I even eligible for unemployment? I've applied to a few other positions, but my field was so niche that much of the knowledge doesn't really transfer well. I'm at a loss as to where to even go from here.

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