
What Do We Want?

I will ask a few different things here, feel free to answer one, any, or all of them. For the sake of my (our?) benefit 'twould be nice to include industry and size of workplace. Let's say your workplace successfully started a union tomorrow, what would be the first things you sought from your employers as you leveraged your productive capacity? Let's say your goal was to start a labour union in your workplace. How would you go about starting? Clandestine? Openly? At what point, if at all would you get in contact with a labour lawyer (they consult for free)? How would you determine dues and what would they be put towards? Let's say your goal was to become a proponent of labour rights/unions. What would be your target demographic in the beginning? If not capable yourself how would you conjure up your propaganda? Freelancers? Writers? Local college students?…

I will ask a few different things here, feel free to answer one, any, or all of them. For the sake of my (our?) benefit 'twould be nice to include industry and size of workplace.

Let's say your workplace successfully started a union tomorrow, what would be the first things you sought from your employers as you leveraged your productive capacity?

Let's say your goal was to start a labour union in your workplace. How would you go about starting? Clandestine? Openly? At what point, if at all would you get in contact with a labour lawyer (they consult for free)? How would you determine dues and what would they be put towards?

Let's say your goal was to become a proponent of labour rights/unions. What would be your target demographic in the beginning? If not capable yourself how would you conjure up your propaganda? Freelancers? Writers? Local college students? What medium of propaganda would you propagate? Pamphlets, Business cards, Internet advertisements? Enlist the aid of local homeless to pickett in exchange for comestibles or currency? How would you go about funding your efforts?

Would you first target corporate locations or more local operations? Which industries would you regard as maximally effective in leveraging the productive capacity of the few against the business/corporation/economy at large?

Funfact: “Business” comes from an old English/nordic word “Bisignir” which means “anxiety” Only taking its modern meaning a few hundred years later.

Thank you for your time. An anti-work world has to start somewhere and every baby-step, crawl, lurch, and lunge gets us a little closer.

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