
What do you think the endgame of capitalism really is?

I joined this sub over a year ago and it has made me tremendously more aware of the insanity of capitalism. I am speaking from an American perspective of course, however I cannot help but feel that things truly will NEVER get better… Anyone who is part of this sub has seen the following: – Horrible bosses and companies, no sympathy allowed. – A very, “blame the worker, blame the poor” attitude, this is especially true of the older generations who wholeheartedly do not understand how good they had it. – Endless amounts of legislation pushing to keep wages low, whilst doing next to nothing to even curtail inflation – Landlords who panic raise their rents with no other reason other than pure greed (and possibly fear mixed in). – The infinite rise in “influence” and “celebrity” culture that puts at the forefront this idea of, “you cannot be happy…

I joined this sub over a year ago and it has made me tremendously more aware of the insanity of capitalism. I am speaking from an American perspective of course, however I cannot help but feel that things truly will NEVER get better…

Anyone who is part of this sub has seen the following:

– Horrible bosses and companies, no sympathy allowed.

– A very, “blame the worker, blame the poor” attitude, this is especially true of the older generations who wholeheartedly do not understand how good they had it.

– Endless amounts of legislation pushing to keep wages low, whilst doing next to nothing to even curtail inflation

– Landlords who panic raise their rents with no other reason other than pure greed (and possibly fear mixed in).

– The infinite rise in “influence” and “celebrity” culture that puts at the forefront this idea of, “you cannot be happy unless you are us.” (the defending of billionaires by the poor)

– The complete destruction of unions, fair wages, reasonable working conditions, time off etc…

– And over an almost unlimited shift in wealth to the billionaires who don't even fucking try to hide how much they profit over others' misery.

I am big on quotes and one of the best and simplest I ever heard was said to me 20 something years ago by a friend who was somewhat intoxicated and had just lost his job… His girlfriend was trying to cheer him up and I was giving both them them a ride home. After a long bout of silence he said one sentence that has resonated with me for two decades on so many issues, however I cannot think of a more appropriate time to just live this way now:

“I just don't see a future worth fighting for.”

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