
What else can I do?

So just today! I was able to put a news tip for investigation on the shady business practices of my retailer T-Mobile Groups (There are Corporate and Retailer stores) I was pretty detailed about what went on in those stores owned by that company. All from lying about inventory and refusing to sell phones without watches or accessories, encourage fraud behavior, T-Chart scams etc. biggest thing was T-Charts. Sooo T-Charts are supposedly suppose to “save you money” yeah okay no. These T-Charts you see in these Companies are not to save you money. And could even cost you more in the long run. Their used to make you feel like you’re getting a deal when in reality you pay more than what you are suppose too and when time comes it’s too late for refunds and credits. So one news station is aware how else can I express this?

So just today! I was able to put a news tip for investigation on the shady business practices of my retailer T-Mobile Groups (There are Corporate and Retailer stores) I was pretty detailed about what went on in those stores owned by that company. All from lying about inventory and refusing to sell phones without watches or accessories, encourage fraud behavior, T-Chart scams etc. biggest thing was T-Charts. Sooo T-Charts are supposedly suppose to “save you money” yeah okay no. These T-Charts you see in these Companies are not to save you money. And could even cost you more in the long run. Their used to make you feel like you’re getting a deal when in reality you pay more than what you are suppose too and when time comes it’s too late for refunds and credits. So one news station is aware how else can I express this?

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