
What happens in a top-heavy workplace?

Work in a corporate type company where I'm producing reports all day and its getting kind of sticky.The department has always been kinda top-heavy with 4 managers and 2-3 production workers, but its getting worse, we had a junior quit last year and they've been unable to find anyone to fill it.If my junior buddy leaves that'll be me on my lonesome and its already really tough with the amount of overtime. They haven't let any management staff go as the big boss is a softy and the mid managers have kids etc, plus they are doing work, its just constantly applying for jobs but not winning many. Anyway, actual question here, what happens if all the production staff leaves? I'd be reluctant but I'd have to leave if I'm the only staff member left, plus there'd be plenty of resentment towards me and I need the reference. If I…

Work in a corporate type company where I'm producing reports all day and its getting kind of sticky.The department has always been kinda top-heavy with 4 managers and 2-3 production workers, but its getting worse, we had a junior quit last year and they've been unable to find anyone to fill it.If my junior buddy leaves that'll be me on my lonesome and its already really tough with the amount of overtime.

They haven't let any management staff go as the big boss is a softy and the mid managers have kids etc, plus they are doing work, its just constantly applying for jobs but not winning many.

Anyway, actual question here, what happens if all the production staff leaves? I'd be reluctant but I'd have to leave if I'm the only staff member left, plus there'd be plenty of resentment towards me and I need the reference. If I leave would they immediately fire my 4 managers? none of them can do my job or have the skills that take a long while to learn. Would they liquidate the entire department? because they can't find anyone new?

Kinda feels like my bosses should be treating me better if all their jobs are on the line.

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