
What happens when you don’t act-your-wage:

For the third time in my professional life I have found out that my employer is stealing from me. Keep in mind, I'm only in my early thirties. For most of my professional life, I've worked in the automotive industry. At one place, my first job in this industry, I worked for 7 years total, barely made it above minimum (i was young and dumb), but then i find out that my boss was paying a raise promised to me to a coworker. I just didn't come back the next day. The place i started at a week later seemed like a step up in my career. But after six months as a service writer there, I ran the calculations and found out that my check was way shorter then it should be. Should have known something was amiss when i was hired for one role, but placed in another…

For the third time in my professional life I have found out that my employer is stealing from me. Keep in mind, I'm only in my early thirties. For most of my professional life, I've worked in the automotive industry. At one place, my first job in this industry, I worked for 7 years total, barely made it above minimum (i was young and dumb), but then i find out that my boss was paying a raise promised to me to a coworker. I just didn't come back the next day. The place i started at a week later seemed like a step up in my career. But after six months as a service writer there, I ran the calculations and found out that my check was way shorter then it should be. Should have known something was amiss when i was hired for one role, but placed in another when i started. Any way, when i confronted this boss about my pay, he back-peddled and put the blame on me. I then went to HR, they investigated, and wouldn't you know it? Boss man is skimming the checks of everyone in the service department! He gets investigated and terminated, I just left. Should have sued…

So i job hop for a bit, and eventually land in a completely different industry for three great years. But then they changed management, went nuclear with firing and restructuring, it became hostile AF, so i found myself looking for a job again. I ended up landing a management job at a local franchise mechanic shop where i find myself now. I've busted my ass here, worked crazy hours that i knew i want being paid for (salary), and gone above and beyond to try and earn my keep and maybe achieve some better earnings. But then i find out, just yesterday, that my sales numbers are in the toilet. I do some digging, talk to upper management (after i got thoroughly chewed out), and find that my boss – my friend – is changing my tickets to his name behind my back. Tickets that not only could have saved me the ass-chewing of my professional life, but could have been earning me commission because my boss lied about how i might earn commission!

So here i am. I should have started getting ready for work 5 minutes ago. But I'm on Reddit instead. I'm here both asking for advice, and trying to give a warning: act your wage, folks. It ain't worth it to do otherwise. Meanwhile, I'm trying to decide how to handle this. I haven't got another job lined up, but i sure as hell can't keep this up. Maybe I'll bide my time, maybe I'll try to get fired, maybe I'll take a part time job and focus on my hobbies and a side hustle. Lots of “maybe.” But one thing is for certain: I'm only doing what i get paid for from here on out, no matter where. And if any employer steals from me again, they will have to deal with the courts.

Sorry for formatting – I'm on mobile, and i just don't care about appearances any more.

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