
What I got for $20

Stopped by the supermarket in my town to pick up milk, two boxes of Oreos, and a single pizza lunchable. Cost me $19.76. For fucking 4 items. Oreos priced over $5 a box, and milk sitting at $6.99. And that’s just the price of snacks. Actual groceries are even worse. This is out of control and I’m surprised no one has lost their mind due to the cost of fucking FOOD.

Stopped by the supermarket in my town to pick up milk, two boxes of Oreos, and a single pizza lunchable. Cost me $19.76. For fucking 4 items. Oreos priced over $5 a box, and milk sitting at $6.99.

And that’s just the price of snacks. Actual groceries are even worse. This is out of control and I’m surprised no one has lost their mind due to the cost of fucking FOOD.

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