
What Information would you want volunteered to you in an interview?

Hi Antiwork crew. I’ve got 2 job posting (1 senior 1 junior, both shifters) open for about a month and after that I’ll be interviewing. In the interest of transparency I want to give them as much information as I can up front, so I’ll be telling them hours, PTO, Benefits expectations, OT, advancement the usual, salary I can only give a range (and by state law they already have this information) because beancounters and HR make that call. But, from y’all, what would be a piece of information you’d want voluntarily given to you in the room?

Hi Antiwork crew. I’ve got 2 job posting (1 senior 1 junior, both shifters) open for about a month and after that I’ll be interviewing.

In the interest of transparency I want to give them as much information as I can up front, so I’ll be telling them hours, PTO, Benefits expectations, OT, advancement the usual, salary I can only give a range (and by state law they already have this information) because beancounters and HR make that call.

But, from y’all, what would be a piece of information you’d want voluntarily given to you in the room?

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