
What is the community’s thoughts and feelings on scheduling an interview with a company and then “no call, no show” the interviewer?

I've been trying to hire for months for a customer service position at my company (I'm only one position above this position I'm the interviewer for) and keep having “no call, no shows.” In the position posting we clearly have stated our hourly pay, which is well above any other company in the area, plus a standard commission percentage (no other companyin our area offers this for similar positions in this field). I tried really hard to work with HR to have this position have a really good pay rate, 401k, etc. offering for our area because I'm passionate about employees feeling taken care of by the place they work. I also put a lot of effort into reading through all of the applications/resumes and writing concise interview questions so that it does show that I care about their work history and how that knowledge and experience is valuable. For…

I've been trying to hire for months for a customer service position at my company (I'm only one position above this position I'm the interviewer for) and keep having “no call, no shows.” In the position posting we clearly have stated our hourly pay, which is well above any other company in the area, plus a standard commission percentage (no other companyin our area offers this for similar positions in this field). I tried really hard to work with HR to have this position have a really good pay rate, 401k, etc. offering for our area because I'm passionate about employees feeling taken care of by the place they work. I also put a lot of effort into reading through all of the applications/resumes and writing concise interview questions so that it does show that I care about their work history and how that knowledge and experience is valuable. For each interviewee I send a calendar invite, which they respond confirming. In the calendar invite I do have a request to let us know if they cannot make it for any reason.

With all the above said, I've had 6 interviewees who have no call, no show. Is this just the new culture, even if you confirmed an interview? should I just get used to it or is there more that I should be doing?

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