
What is the most toxic work environment you have ever worked in

I am trying to keep this short as possible, so warning. I get hooked in by a pyramid scheme property/casualty insurance job by their fancy office, generous hospitality, and “work hard enough and you will make a lot of money” BS. First month goes well: free lunches at nice restaurants, everyone is cool & chill, a company retreat/training period. Second Month is when things turn to poop. The open office environment becomes a nightmare, commuting sucks, the starting meagre pay of 40k looked better when I was unemployed, but not so great now. In addition, if you didn't have any personal network, you were told to make “visits” all day and report back to the office. Essentially, drive around Dallas-Fort Worth TX all day to knock on empty Mortgage Lender offices and then coming back to an open office to get chewed out. Work from home was discouraged even though…

I am trying to keep this short as possible, so warning.

I get hooked in by a pyramid scheme property/casualty insurance job by their fancy office, generous hospitality, and “work hard enough and you will make a lot of money” BS.

First month goes well: free lunches at nice restaurants, everyone is cool & chill, a company retreat/training period.

Second Month is when things turn to poop. The open office environment becomes a nightmare, commuting sucks, the starting meagre pay of 40k looked better when I was unemployed, but not so great now. In addition, if you didn't have any personal network, you were told to make “visits” all day and report back to the office. Essentially, drive around Dallas-Fort Worth TX all day to knock on empty Mortgage Lender offices and then coming back to an open office to get chewed out. Work from home was discouraged even though job performance improved at home due to less distractions from an open office and not having to commute.

Eventually, I figure out their scheme and start applying for other jobs. Basically, they milk you of your entire personal network and whatever you can squeeze out during training/ramp-up period. After about 3-4 months you have served your purpose and they either fire you or hope you wake up and quit lol. The people that are able to last longer are usually gas lighted and strung along for 1-2 years and put in a training position at corporate or crappy team leader role. Essentially, nobody is making above 60k, and you are working 50-60 hours a week.

I finally land a job offer that starts in a month, so I just tell myself that I can last a month because I need the pay lol. Nope, there is a covid outbreak in the office, and our manager says nobody can call off today because it was the day after the Super Bowl (this is in Dallas, so yeahhhh). The person next to my desk had a fever and two people near me could not stop running to the bathroom to not shvt themselves. Remember, working from home is the devil because there's too many distractions. I literally say fuck this place and quit on the spot. I managed to door-dash and lived off little of what I had remaining on my credit limit to survive until my first real paycheck on my new job. I was making 80k before this job, so I had 80k salary person bills lol.

Final Note: This company loves to prey off recent college graduates and vulnerable young professionals, so if you have a Texas based Property & Insurance Company hitting you up and promising the world…. It's probably this company lol. I wish I would have listened to Glassdoor more thoroughly, but I was unemployed when I took this job, so that's that.

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