
What is the plan for the unavoidable mass out pricing of even the most basic apartments?

I’m watching the absolutely ridiculous cost of living pricing out all the most essential jobs in the US and it makes me sick to my stomach.. At what point do we all just refuse to participate in this shit?? There needs to be a major revolution here, rent is gonna be 3000 dollars a month in rural areas in the next 2 years if we let this keep going on.. Where are they gonna find workers to be able to work minimum wage that can’t even afford to house themselves What can we do? “Getting a better job” as we all know just isn’t possible for 90% of people and this isn’t “Biden” this is companies bragging about record profits like big oil and many franchises I’ve seen countless bragging.. Landlords aren’t helping either.. There’s so many people that are complacent either because they are afraid of what their friends…

I’m watching the absolutely ridiculous cost of living pricing out all the most essential jobs in the US and it makes me sick to my stomach..

At what point do we all just refuse to participate in this shit?? There needs to be a major revolution here, rent is gonna be 3000 dollars a month in rural areas in the next 2 years if we let this keep going on.. Where are they gonna find workers to be able to work minimum wage that can’t even afford to house themselves

What can we do? “Getting a better job” as we all know just isn’t possible for 90% of people and this isn’t “Biden” this is companies bragging about record profits like big oil and many franchises I’ve seen countless bragging.. Landlords aren’t helping either..

There’s so many people that are complacent either because they are afraid of what their friends will think if they make a big deal or they just are too distracted by bullshit in their lives they are failing to watch the collapse of this country..

America will be a 3rd world country with tent cities the size of actual cities by 2030..

But hey, the corporate ceos need their 10th Ferrari so badly…

Not everyone is capable of starting their own business or even capable of making money on their own without a job. We need servers. We need medical professionals. We need teachers. We need artists. We need chefs. We need janitors. We need maintenance people. We need all of you. You all matter and mean everything to our society.. I feel bad for everyone right now and it’s gonna get to the point where the only people who own homes are large multibillion dollar firms or people who’s parents gave them a house… nobody I know aside a couple of people own their own home. Those people are in their 40s.. nobody on my friendslist in my age group owns a home.

College is a scam, can’t even find a job in nearly any field because it’s all a game of who you know anymore.. Don’t know the right people good luck bud..

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