
What is the weirdest way you were hired for a job? I kinda/sorta blackmailed the boss (in a joking manner) and he hired me!

ok now for the story. This took place in the summer of 1999. I was working at Radio Shack P/T at my local mall, and at night I would go to nightclubs and sell glowsticks. Glow what? Back in the late 90s having an inch long glow stick in your mouth was going viral and everyone was doing it. I got onboard early and found a supplier selling them in bulk for 75cents each when you buy 100 or more and I would sell them for $5 each in the bar. They came in 5 different colours and would last for 5-6 hours. I would pop one in my mouth and walk around the bar. Women loved them and made up about 80% of my sales. bartenders loved them too, and I would give one to all the bartenders for free and tell them to refer people to me. One…

ok now for the story. This took place in the summer of 1999. I was working at Radio Shack P/T at my local mall, and at night I would go to nightclubs and sell glowsticks. Glow what? Back in the late 90s having an inch long glow stick in your mouth was going viral and everyone was doing it.

I got onboard early and found a supplier selling them in bulk for 75cents each when you buy 100 or more and I would sell them for $5 each in the bar. They came in 5 different colours and would last for 5-6 hours. I would pop one in my mouth and walk around the bar. Women loved them and made up about 80% of my sales. bartenders loved them too, and I would give one to all the bartenders for free and tell them to refer people to me.

One day Im in a nightclub and this big guy who was not dressed for the club at all comes up to me and says, give me one reason not to boot your ass for selling those glowsticks in MY club? I said “give me a job and I'll stop” which was incredibly brave if you think about it, considering he had ALL the power, it was his club, he had bouncers working for him, and he had every right to boot me out for selling things to HIS customers. I did have lots of experience being a busboy at several clubs and as a Bar Porter (the person who sets up the bar for the bartender – fills the fridges with beer, sinks with ice, stocks the house brand booze, cuts up the lemons and limes etc)

He said “come see me wednesday night, and we'll talk”. I said ok, and threw away the glowstick in my mouth. It worked, I got the job and still to this day remains the strangest way I was ever hired

whats your story?

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