
What is with job recruiters these days?

I'm in a pretty specific field but I have over a decade of experience and am paid alright for what I do. Not great, not terrible. Just earlier this year I moved to a different position in the same field because the pay was better for less physical work. Of course I had to hunt for that position and work with recruiters to get it. But since I've started, and more frequently in the last month or two, I've been getting nearly two to three emails a day, as well as some unsolicited phone calls and text messages (someone probably sold my number). Normally I'd entertain a few, if only to practice my interview skills, but they're nearly all for minimum wage, entry level positions that they're trying to scalp me for. Worse, the majority are 3-12 month contract positions, with no benefits. They lie about pay and benefits to…

I'm in a pretty specific field but I have over a decade of experience and am paid alright for what I do. Not great, not terrible.

Just earlier this year I moved to a different position in the same field because the pay was better for less physical work. Of course I had to hunt for that position and work with recruiters to get it.

But since I've started, and more frequently in the last month or two, I've been getting nearly two to three emails a day, as well as some unsolicited phone calls and text messages (someone probably sold my number). Normally I'd entertain a few, if only to practice my interview skills, but they're nearly all for minimum wage, entry level positions that they're trying to scalp me for. Worse, the majority are 3-12 month contract positions, with no benefits. They lie about pay and benefits to get you to the interview (happened to me twice this year) and can't give you any information about a job they're trying to recruit you for.

I get trying to contact fresh college grads with these positions, it's a good field to get into, but why would they think these (frequently temporary) positions are worthwhile at all? You couldn't afford to live here with what they're offering, plus the inherent need to job search towards the end of the contract period? It's ridiculous!

Sorry, I know it's kind of a “first world problem” but it's saddening and infuriating that these companies can't be straightforward with what they're offering, and often turn around and complain about the type of applicants they get in response (my current employer isn't much different, honestly, but gotta pay the bills).

Minimum wage means minimum work.

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