
What jobs allow you to use your personal devices during downtime?

I currently work as a security guard and the vast majority of my day aside of my patrols I am basically doing nothing. My job has a no phone policy but I ignore it and play on my phone/gaming handheld to pass the time anyway. I read from other security guard jobs that they are free to use their phones and even gaming laptops to pass the time and managment doesn't care. I also don't see a supervisor maybe once every two weeks when they drop off my paycheck. For jobs I hear that being a night reception clerk at a hotel might be a job where they don't care if you are on your personal devices. I want to know what other options might be available that is slow and have lots of downtime to use phones/ gaming devices?

I currently work as a security guard and the vast majority of my day aside of my patrols I am basically doing nothing. My job has a no phone policy but I ignore it and play on my phone/gaming handheld to pass the time anyway. I read from other security guard jobs that they are free to use their phones and even gaming laptops to pass the time and managment doesn't care. I also don't see a supervisor maybe once every two weeks when they drop off my paycheck. For jobs I hear that being a night reception clerk at a hotel might be a job where they don't care if you are on your personal devices. I want to know what other options might be available that is slow and have lots of downtime to use phones/ gaming devices?

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