
What jobs don’t seem to care about using personal devices to pass the time at work?

I work at a security guard company and they have a no cell phone policy. I ignore it since I'm mostly at a dead site and rarely see my boss every other week. I see other guards can bring laptops, gaming devices, and cell phones to entertain themselves and managment does not seem to care about it. What are some jobs besides security that will allow you do be on your phones or other electronics when the work day is slow?

I work at a security guard company and they have a no cell phone policy. I ignore it since I'm mostly at a dead site and rarely see my boss every other week. I see other guards can bring laptops, gaming devices, and cell phones to entertain themselves and managment does not seem to care about it. What are some jobs besides security that will allow you do be on your phones or other electronics when the work day is slow?

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