
What other motivation is there to work besides money..?

Got this response from the recruiter after a phone interview with a company. I didn’t mention salary or raises or anything during a phone interview and I asked lots of questions that only pertained to the work itself. Do they expect people to work for free? If money isnt important, what else are they offering? Maybe they should give me part ownership so I have a vested interest in the company. Tell me you have a toxic work culture that takes advantage of its employees without telling me. If they’re so concerned about “longevity”, maybe they should compensate their employees at a competitive rate so they can retain them. I wasn’t even going to accept this job since I work fully remote now and despite advertising this position as Hybrid, they’ll want me in the office 5 days a week with an 8a – 5p schedule – NO THANKS!

Got this response from the recruiter after a phone interview with a company. I didn’t mention salary or raises or anything during a phone interview and I asked lots of questions that only pertained to the work itself. Do they expect people to work for free? If money isnt important, what else are they offering? Maybe they should give me part ownership so I have a vested interest in the company. Tell me you have a toxic work culture that takes advantage of its employees without telling me. If they’re so concerned about “longevity”, maybe they should compensate their employees at a competitive rate so they can retain them. I wasn’t even going to accept this job since I work fully remote now and despite advertising this position as Hybrid, they’ll want me in the office 5 days a week with an 8a – 5p schedule – NO THANKS!

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