
What people need to understand

Most companies do everything the law allows them to do. If tomorrow the law allowed them to hire 9 year olds full time and chain them to desk, they would. If tomorrow the law allowed them to enslave people, they would. If tomorrow the law allowed them to pimp out their employees, they would. The root of this problem is that public companies would be REQUIRED to do these things as a fiduciary duty to shareholders and private companies probably just would for their own greed. ​ We are literally (in the classical sense) just inputs to the process, thats all.

Most companies do everything the law allows them to do. If tomorrow the law allowed them to hire 9 year olds full time and chain them to desk, they would. If tomorrow the law allowed them to enslave people, they would. If tomorrow the law allowed them to pimp out their employees, they would. The root of this problem is that public companies would be REQUIRED to do these things as a fiduciary duty to shareholders and private companies probably just would for their own greed.

We are literally (in the classical sense) just inputs to the process, thats all.

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