
What should happen now….

Now that I am being mandated by law to give birth to a baby (even if I am raped or in some cases my life is in danger) we should demand from our politicians the following- Paid healthcare from the moment we find out we are pregnant to the moment the child turns 25 for both mother and child Paid time off from the moment we find out we are pregnant to the time the child is two years old. I doubt any of these rich white politicians have had to work 14 hours per day on their feet for minimum wage while 9 months pregnant. Or have pregnancy complications that force them to stop working. And I don’t mean minimum wage pay. Every pregnant woman should receive the average salary of a Supreme Court justice during this time. Food and basic necessities for the child until he/she/they graduate from…

Now that I am being mandated by law to give birth to a baby (even if I am raped or in some cases my life is in danger) we should demand from our politicians the following-

  • Paid healthcare from the moment we find out we are pregnant to the moment the child turns 25 for both mother and child

  • Paid time off from the moment we find out we are pregnant to the time the child is two years old. I doubt any of these rich white politicians have had to work 14 hours per day on their feet for minimum wage while 9 months pregnant. Or have pregnancy complications that force them to stop working. And I don’t mean minimum wage pay. Every pregnant woman should receive the average salary of a Supreme Court justice during this time.

  • Food and basic necessities for the child until he/she/they graduate from college or the equivalent.

  • Paid tuition for child until graduation from college or the equivalent.

  • Rent assistance for mother and child until the child graduates from college or the equivalent.

I just listened to that psychopath Kristi Noem say that if a woman is pregnant due to rape or incest the child shouldn’t have to suffer. She said they would do everything they can to help the mother and child. By help I am sure she means thoughts, prayers and a brochure saying that they can repent to God for their sins.

So they want to help the now forced births??? The above is a start.

Write, call, email, post to their socials that you demand work reform for pregnant females.

Did I miss anything else???

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