

I have worked at a restaurant in Wicker Park Chicago for the past 10 months and LET ME TELL YOU, it is EXTENSIVE work. I haven't had any kind of stability at this job. He Always switched up my days off last minute, Accepted Caterings with Insufficient amount of employees to fulfill the orders, Worked Most of his employees endlessly with NO REMORSE AND ABSOLUTELY NO BREAKS. One Employee had even worked 21HRS at the restaurant and only got paid for a little more than half of it. I Quit recently after he pulled an overtly Disrespectful and inconsiderate stunt on a Coworker and Me. We Had a Restaurant FULL of People. He Called in to check how business was doing and was then informed that we had an EXTREMELY PACKED RESTAURANT WITH A LINE OUT THE DOOR and With only 2 employees in the restaurant. He told us we…

I have worked at a restaurant in Wicker Park Chicago for the past 10 months and LET ME TELL YOU, it is EXTENSIVE work. I haven't had any kind of stability at this job. He Always switched up my days off last minute, Accepted Caterings with Insufficient amount of employees to fulfill the orders, Worked Most of his employees endlessly with NO REMORSE AND ABSOLUTELY NO BREAKS.
One Employee had even worked 21HRS at the restaurant and only got paid for a little more than half of it.

I Quit recently after he pulled an overtly Disrespectful and inconsiderate stunt on a Coworker and Me. We Had a Restaurant FULL of People. He Called in to check how business was doing and was then informed that we had an EXTREMELY PACKED RESTAURANT WITH A LINE OUT THE DOOR and With only 2 employees in the restaurant. He told us we had to fill a catering order needed immediately for 100 people and to FIGURE IT OUT. After being unable to fulfill the order before he arrived, he proceeded to humiliate us in a group text with all of his employees and managers.
So I was over the situation and called it Quits.

Day one, he told me I was getting paid regularly in check but rather paid me in personal check or occasionally thru CASH APP for when he couldn't pay me on time.

When I told him I was quitting, he said in order to pick up my last check, I have to fill out and hand deliver a 1099-FORM. Confusing because I worked everyday, 10+ HRS/Day and isn't a 1099FORM for Private Contractors and Self Employed people? I need help. Advice?

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