
What should I leave for the next person?

I’m a marketing assistant at a non profit. They recently fired my boss, the full time marketer (for “having a bad attitude” – I didn’t see this but apparently members of executive team had it out for her). This was completely out of left field and in one of the busiest times as we are trying to launch a new app on top of the other regular marketing duties. Needless to say, they’ve added a TON to my workload and haven’t said peep about giving me more money. So I’m quitting. What should I leave behind for the person after me? They have a job posting out but might not find anyone before my last day which will be Dec 14. There are so many random things and I really want to mitigate the chances of them reaching out to me after. What’s the best way to do this?

I’m a marketing assistant at a non profit. They recently fired my boss, the full time marketer (for “having a bad attitude” – I didn’t see this but apparently members of executive team had it out for her). This was completely out of left field and in one of the busiest times as we are trying to launch a new app on top of the other regular marketing duties. Needless to say, they’ve added a TON to my workload and haven’t said peep about giving me more money. So I’m quitting.

What should I leave behind for the person after me? They have a job posting out but might not find anyone before my last day which will be Dec 14. There are so many random things and I really want to mitigate the chances of them reaching out to me after. What’s the best way to do this?

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