
What the hell is wrong ? (Rant)

So here me out, and sorry for the wall of text rant. I have 10 years of xp in the banking industry that I left because of the toxic work environment. After that did a bachelor + master degree in political science (international history) and durability. I speak 4 languages. I resigned from a data entry job this July because pay was shit. After 72 postulation I found a job as a recruitment consultant.. which I lost after a 2 weeks period because when the boss overheard a conversation where I said that I took this job because it was a rational decision (close to home and part time). So I was not committed, I had not the passion for the job shocked pikachu. Of course I don’t have any passion for a random job paying 60k a year where the cost of life is absurd (Switzerland). Now I’m up…

So here me out, and sorry for the wall of text rant.

I have 10 years of xp in the banking industry that I left because of the toxic work environment.

After that did a bachelor + master degree in political science (international history) and durability. I speak 4 languages.

I resigned from a data entry job this July because pay was shit. After 72 postulation I found a job as a recruitment consultant.. which I lost after a 2 weeks period because when the boss overheard a conversation where I said that I took this job because it was a rational decision (close to home and part time). So I was not committed, I had not the passion for the job shocked pikachu. Of course I don’t have any passion for a random job paying 60k a year where the cost of life is absurd (Switzerland). Now I’m up 100 postulations and no answer or all negative.

The fuck is wrong with this fuckin system.
Oh and they ask us to vote an increase of the VAT to secure the retirement of the boomers.

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