
What to do after blatant sexist remark

Have been with this company 2 years- managing accounts/portfolios with external clients, as well as assist with internal clients as well. My largest external client has grown exponentially in size and they require full time attention to properly support. I had brought the need for full time support on this account many times, and revisited again recently. It was immediately refused to me with little explanation. Later, I learn that the company does not find me to be the right fit due to being female and I have the potential to become pregnant and need to take a leave, then what would the company do? (Stated to me in a meeting with my direct manager) Not sure what to do next – I have reported to HR but have received no follow up from anyone on this in over a week. What steps do I take next?

Have been with this company 2 years- managing accounts/portfolios with external clients, as well as assist with internal clients as well.

My largest external client has grown exponentially in size and they require full time attention to properly support.

I had brought the need for full time support on this account many times, and revisited again recently.

It was immediately refused to me with little explanation.

Later, I learn that the company does not find me to be the right fit due to being female and I have the potential to become pregnant and need to take a leave, then what would the company do? (Stated to me in a meeting with my direct manager)

Not sure what to do next – I have reported to HR but have received no follow up from anyone on this in over a week.

What steps do I take next?

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