
What to do if employer doesn’t provide access to important instrument needed to complete job?

Hey folks, I love my job and my employer has been more than fair. I’m able to make my own schedule/hours, I can take extended breaks, get paid above market rate with regular raises, and I’m encouraged to pursue professional and academic interests. I’ve worked for my company since 2018 and have never had any issues until now. I took on a new role six months ago and a key aspect of my new job is writing assessments and uploading said assessments to the state’s online portal (I’m a clinician at a private boarding school for children in state custody). The issue is I still do not have access to the state’s online portal. I was supposed to be provided with access when I started my new position (someone in HR reaches out to the state and the state creates the account). However, my login credentials do not work. I…

Hey folks,

I love my job and my employer has been more than fair. I’m able to make my own schedule/hours, I can take extended breaks, get paid above market rate with regular raises, and I’m encouraged to pursue professional and academic interests.

I’ve worked for my company since 2018 and have never had any issues until now. I took on a new role six months ago and a key aspect of my new job is writing assessments and uploading said assessments to the state’s online portal (I’m a clinician at a private boarding school for children in state custody). The issue is I still do not have access to the state’s online portal. I was supposed to be provided with access when I started my new position (someone in HR reaches out to the state and the state creates the account). However, my login credentials do not work. I contacted HR and they said the account was created. So I contacted the portal’s helpline and was informed that the issue was that my account is not assigned a designated role, which would need to be done by HR. I informed HR of this but was told they cannot solve the issue.

This has lead to a lot of stress on my end, as I need to utilize my supervisor’s account which consists of me having to schedule time to use their work laptop (I cannot just use their login information). The portal contains a lot of pertinent information, such as deadlines, and I need to use it to complete certain treatment plans. Not having this information or being able access it on my schedule has severely hindered my abilities to adequately prepare for important meetings, to complete assessments on time, and has just been a general source of stress and frustration.

What would you recommend doing in this situation? I’ve continued to push HR and have contacted the hotline several more times but keep getting the run around. I love my job, but this has been stressing me out.

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