
What to do when an employer lost belongings during a leave of absence.

My fiance has an undiagnosed illness that has caused her to take a doctor ordered leave of absence from her position. Unfortunately the contract for the position ends this month and the employer has decided to cut ties while she is still on leave. She went into the office to collect her belongings and after a 45 min wait to be let in because her cards don't work anymore she finds out that none of her belongings are even still there. She had some things there that while not super expensive were worth over a $100. She never expected to be not coming back to work it's literally only due to the collapse of our medical system that she is even still waiting for a diagnosis. Is there any recourse I have here? Should I contact the labour board?

My fiance has an undiagnosed illness that has caused her to take a doctor ordered leave of absence from her position. Unfortunately the contract for the position ends this month and the employer has decided to cut ties while she is still on leave. She went into the office to collect her belongings and after a 45 min wait to be let in because her cards don't work anymore she finds out that none of her belongings are even still there. She had some things there that while not super expensive were worth over a $100. She never expected to be not coming back to work it's literally only due to the collapse of our medical system that she is even still waiting for a diagnosis. Is there any recourse I have here? Should I contact the labour board?

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