
What would happen when work is not a must anymore and basic needs are met?

I believe that when everyone's basic needs are met, people are more likely to focus on the well-being of others and engage in altruistic behavior for several reasons: Reduced competition for resources: When basic needs such as food, shelter, healthcare, and education are guaranteed, people no longer need to compete for these essential resources, reducing the pressure to prioritize personal gain over others' well-being. Increased sense of security: With their own survival and well-being secured, individuals may feel more comfortable and confident in helping others, as they don't need to worry about their own basic needs being jeopardized. Greater empathy and compassion: When people are not burdened by the constant struggle to meet their own basic needs, they may have more mental and emotional capacity to empathize with others and take actions to support them. Shift in values and priorities: A society that ensures basic needs are met for all…

I believe that when everyone's basic needs are met, people are more likely to focus on the well-being of others and engage in altruistic behavior for several reasons:

  1. Reduced competition for resources: When basic needs such as food, shelter, healthcare, and education are guaranteed, people no longer need to compete for these essential resources, reducing the pressure to prioritize personal gain over others' well-being.
  2. Increased sense of security: With their own survival and well-being secured, individuals may feel more comfortable and confident in helping others, as they don't need to worry about their own basic needs being jeopardized.
  3. Greater empathy and compassion: When people are not burdened by the constant struggle to meet their own basic needs, they may have more mental and emotional capacity to empathize with others and take actions to support them.
  4. Shift in values and priorities: A society that ensures basic needs are met for all its members can experience a shift in values and priorities, emphasizing cooperation, community, and shared well-being over individualism and material wealth.
  5. Opportunities for meaningful contribution: When people are not tied to jobs solely for survival, they have more time and freedom to engage in activities they find personally meaningful, which often include volunteer work, community-building, and other altruistic pursuits.

Overall, when basic needs are covered for everyone, altruism can thrive as individuals are better positioned to focus on the well-being of others and contribute positively to their communities.

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