
What would you be willing to do for $25/ hr minimum wage?

The skilled laborers in my trade make $35-80+/ hr. In my case, i provide my own tools, and am considered professional. We know the details of our trade and have years of experience leading people and completing projects efficiently. The unskilled laborers make $20-25/ hr (or less) and simply follow directions. They haul bins, are assigned basic tasks guaged to their skill level and rarely provide more than their physical labor. It is often obvious that a basic laborer wants only to provide the bare minimum to make his minimum wage. This is usually perceived as lazy, but this guys perform a necessary function and once a man makes this obvious he has set his boundaries and limits his income. This type of laboror is considered basic and we do not expect them to stick around too long. I know men who have been content their entire career being unskilled…

The skilled laborers in my trade make $35-80+/ hr. In my case, i provide my own tools, and am considered professional. We know the details of our trade and have years of experience leading people and completing projects efficiently. The unskilled laborers make $20-25/ hr (or less) and simply follow directions. They haul bins, are assigned basic tasks guaged to their skill level and rarely provide more than their physical labor. It is often obvious that a basic laborer wants only to provide the bare minimum to make his minimum wage. This is usually perceived as lazy, but this guys perform a necessary function and once a man makes this obvious he has set his boundaries and limits his income. This type of laboror is considered basic and we do not expect them to stick around too long.

I know men who have been content their entire career being unskilled laborers because they have the least responsibility and it is easier. I learned a long time ago that if i wanted more money and a better future then i had to learn more, do more and then i would be trusted with more. Today i am trusted with large projects, make more money and have connections that will carry me into a comfortable retirement. Perhaps not so with those other guys.

What would be your preferred basic job description for a $25/ hr minimum wage, regardless of your field of work? I don’t care about your age, if you work in a grocery store, an office or dig holes. Serious responses please.

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