
(What would you do?) Job Offer Rescinded & Lied to

Hi everyone, this is my first post on this sub-reddit so please be kind. Apologies if this is not the correct sub-reddit to post this on. Anyways: ​ 3 weeks ago I was offered a job at a healthcare agency. It would be a management position and the pay was good for the area. I made plans to terminate my current apartment lease (early, 1640$ penalty), and make the move, securing a deposit on a townhome. (Movers, 2400$, Deposit 1500$+1500$ rent), plus denied several other job opportunities during this time frame. After all this had transpired, 13 days later, I was told that my offer was being rescinded due to “company restructuring”. I asked over the phone with HR if this was actually the case, inquiring about a potential background issue (my background was dragging, HR said the company they use is slow), and was assured by HR it was.…

Hi everyone, this is my first post on this sub-reddit so please be kind. Apologies if this is not the correct sub-reddit to post this on. Anyways:

3 weeks ago I was offered a job at a healthcare agency. It would be a management position and the pay was good for the area. I made plans to terminate my current apartment lease (early, 1640$ penalty), and make the move, securing a deposit on a townhome. (Movers, 2400$, Deposit 1500$+1500$ rent), plus denied several other job opportunities during this time frame.

After all this had transpired, 13 days later, I was told that my offer was being rescinded due to “company restructuring”. I asked over the phone with HR if this was actually the case, inquiring about a potential background issue (my background was dragging, HR said the company they use is slow), and was assured by HR it was. (I have never had any background related issues, no criminal history, etc.)

However, today, when I looked at the job postings for this specific company.. I see that the manager position I was offered, had been re-listed. (7 days ago)

Whatever the reasoning for this, this is not the way to do business, and mess with someone's life. I do not appreciate being blatantly lied to over the phone, especially after I packed my life up to move 200 miles for a job offer. I realize ultimately I have no recourse or options, and essentially bygones are bygones, it is what is is – but what would you do in this situation? In the end, maybe I should not have been so quick to move?

Would you go off on HR and demand explanation? I don't like confrontation unless 100% necessary but this is boiling my blood.

TLDR: Was offered job, after I had moved and spent many thousands, the offer was rescinded due to “company restructuring”. Found out company lied- and re-posted the job, with no explanation provided.

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