
What year did you graduate high school?

Just joined the sub, and it made me think of an experience I had a couple of years back. I had applied for an entry level programming job, and one of the first questions I was asked was what year I graduated high school. I started working out of high school, and went to college after working a few years. I wouldn't say I'm old, but I was older than the traditional college grad by over a decade. The job I applied to required a college degree, so I didn't include my high school background on my resume. What was in my resume though was some relevant experience that would predate my time in college. During the interview, the interviewer didn't ask me if I had a GED vs a diploma, or where I went to high school, just what year I graduated. It seemed to me a very focused…

Just joined the sub, and it made me think of an experience I had a couple of years back. I had applied for an entry level programming job, and one of the first questions I was asked was what year I graduated high school.

I started working out of high school, and went to college after working a few years. I wouldn't say I'm old, but I was older than the traditional college grad by over a decade. The job I applied to required a college degree, so I didn't include my high school background on my resume. What was in my resume though was some relevant experience that would predate my time in college. During the interview, the interviewer didn't ask me if I had a GED vs a diploma, or where I went to high school, just what year I graduated. It seemed to me a very focused effort to get my age.

Anyone else have a similar experience? I'm still trying to think of a valid reason they would need to know that, beyond trying to find a less obvious way to get my age since they can't ask that directly. To this day it still seems like a scummy way to discriminate.

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