
What year were you born and do you tell people your salary?

I was born in 95. I’m completely agree with salary transparency. I’ve noticed older Gen Z are open about their salary as well but you millennials… millennials are SO split. I don’t understand why salary is so taboo, especially when talking to someone who doesn’t even work at the same company as you, sometimes not even the same industry. Why am I the a** for asking someone how much they make? I just want to know if they’re getting screwed or their company respects them.

I was born in 95. I’m completely agree with salary transparency. I’ve noticed older Gen Z are open about their salary as well but you millennials… millennials are SO split.

I don’t understand why salary is so taboo, especially when talking to someone who doesn’t even work at the same company as you, sometimes not even the same industry.

Why am I the a** for asking someone how much they make? I just want to know if they’re getting screwed or their company respects them.

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