
What’s the point of being unionized if the employees believe all the same BS as the employer?

Im a nurse at a unionized hospital. Nurses are notorious for working OT, skipping breaks, staying late, etc. I refuse to do any of those things and my coworkers hate me for it. I tell them that if they keep agreeing to work extra and understaffed then what incentive does management have to hire more nurses? They tell me they feel sorry for managers bc they work so hard. Im not sure how they know they are working so hard considering that we never see management and all scheduling and issues are now handled by the charge nurse. They seem to worship management, always covering for them, buying them gifts, etc. When I moved to a morning shift a few years back my coworkers tried to pressure me into coming in an entire hour early unpaid to set up for the day. That’s what they all had been doing for…

Im a nurse at a unionized hospital. Nurses are notorious for working OT, skipping breaks, staying late, etc. I refuse to do any of those things and my coworkers hate me for it. I tell them that if they keep agreeing to work extra and understaffed then what incentive does management have to hire more nurses? They tell me they feel sorry for managers bc they work so hard. Im not sure how they know they are working so hard considering that we never see management and all scheduling and issues are now handled by the charge nurse. They seem to worship management, always covering for them, buying them gifts, etc.

When I moved to a morning shift a few years back my coworkers tried to pressure me into coming in an entire hour early unpaid to set up for the day. That’s what they all had been doing for years. They got mad at me bc I told them that I don’t work for free.

They complain about the pay and the contracts but always vote for them bc they don’t want to risk a strike. I’ve worked at union and nonunion hospitals and I’m having a hard time figuring out what exactly I’m paying for and I blame my coworkers. They aren’t even anti union, they gladly pay the union dues but then turn around and negate the entire purpose of having a union.

I support unions but what’s the point to having one if all of my coworkers support this brainwashed American work yourself to death work ethic?

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