
What’s the point of working when you’re never going to escape poverty?

I don't see any point in participating in the economy or any bullshit. I just want to draw my savings and welfare until I can't anymore, then die. There's no reward for working, you'll just end up in a rented shoebox in debt. Is it feasible to just live off welfare and inheritance, then dying once that runs out? (I'm not American) I have no interest to work. I don't get rewarded, and all jobs are going to be shit, menial wage ones with the invention of AI, so I don't see any reason to get a degree, apply for jobs, or even fucking show up for one. Cost of living crisies don't seem to be going down, and the powers that be seem more interested in hoarding money + promoting their nepo babies over us, so I know I'll never get a chance to make games and do things…

I don't see any point in participating in the economy or any bullshit. I just want to draw my savings and welfare until I can't anymore, then die. There's no reward for working, you'll just end up in a rented shoebox in debt.

Is it feasible to just live off welfare and inheritance, then dying once that runs out? (I'm not American)

I have no interest to work. I don't get rewarded, and all jobs are going to be shit, menial wage ones with the invention of AI, so I don't see any reason to get a degree, apply for jobs, or even fucking show up for one.

Cost of living crisies don't seem to be going down, and the powers that be seem more interested in hoarding money + promoting their nepo babies over us, so I know I'll never get a chance to make games and do things I love because Simian is the son of the chairman.

I don't want to pay 6000$ for a tent either, and the world looks to be on the brink of collapse. Things probably aren't getting better in my lifetime either, and the wealthy seem to be interested in killing the middle class for more desperate workers so at some point I'll be forced to work slave labor jobs.

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