
What’s the point (venting)

I quit my job without prior notice this morning. I'm not even sure why today specifically. I hated it, obviously. But I've hated every job I've had since 2018. I dread waking up every day, even on the weekends, knowing I have to go back over and over and over again. Not sure if it's my depression, or if I'm just a lazy, cynical, piece of shit. I was only there for one week (I know, I suck). They hired me to do shipping and receiving in a warehouse setting, and gave me a rundown of the job during the interview process that made it seem easy enough with my experience. They said I was responsible for sending out small packages through ups, and assisting with loading larger shipments into trucks and such as need be. They showed me that I would have my own work station which is climate…

I quit my job without prior notice this morning. I'm not even sure why today specifically. I hated it, obviously. But I've hated every job I've had since 2018. I dread waking up every day, even on the weekends, knowing I have to go back over and over and over again. Not sure if it's my depression, or if I'm just a lazy, cynical, piece of shit. I was only there for one week (I know, I suck). They hired me to do shipping and receiving in a warehouse setting, and gave me a rundown of the job during the interview process that made it seem easy enough with my experience. They said I was responsible for sending out small packages through ups, and assisting with loading larger shipments into trucks and such as need be. They showed me that I would have my own work station which is climate controlled and indoors, and assured me I would be able to wear headphones most of the time and that it's a pretty relaxed position. My first week there, I filled in potholes, cleaned leaves out of the drainage ditch out front (I had to stand in the shoulder of a busy highway without any high vis, on a rainy day, and I found a dead deer under the leaves that I had to drag out behind a bush so it wasn't in view from the road until the state sends someone to come get it), cleaned windows, and generally spent a lot of time outside in the rain doing manual labor despite it being almost freezing, and them not telling me to wear warm clothes or waterproof shoes or anything. I spent maybe a half hour to an hour a day doing the job I was actually hired for, mostly the guy who hired me does that. It's not even that this job is so hard that I don't think I can do it. It's that they lied to me, mislead me, and they clearly don't seem to care about my well-being or safety. People have referred to me as “the new grunt” and keep being surprised that I come in the next day (I was told this job has high turnover, after getting hired of course). Most of the people are nice enough to be honest, but the main guy I work with has made half a dozen antisemitic remarks to me, not jokes btw, serious remarks, in addition to other racist, xenophobic rhetoric. Why not say something to HR? I'm glad you asked, I was told the HR person quit over 3 months ago, and they still don't have a new one, the secretary in the front office is handling most of the HR related work, and she's clearly overwhelmed from the few interactions I have had with her. My Mom said they're probably just “testing me”. I don't even care anymore. They even told me I was doing a great job on Friday, and that meant nothing to me. I want to fail their test. I turned down a higher paying warehouse job because I thought this would be so much easier. I just wanted to pay my rent and be able to buy my family Christmas presents, but now I don't even care to get out of bed today. Side note, I have major depressive disorder, and I spent a week in a pysch hospital at the beginning of November because I told my therapist I was having suicidal thoughts. In the hospital, I realized I'm not suicidal, not truly. But I still don't think I'm willing (or perhaps able), to do even the bare minimum to take care of myself, let alone try and “grind” my way to financial freedom so that maybe I can find some sort of satisfaction in life somewhere far down the road. I'm sure nothing I've just said is new, I know I'm not special, and I'm certainly not alone in these feelings. I just don't understand how anyone else in similar positions can cope, and even squeeze some joy out of their miserable lives. I didn't really come here for advice so much as to vent and see if it makes me feel any better, but any advice at all would be greatly appreciated. P.S. I'm already on medication, and I'm retrying therapy with a new counselor. If you made it this far, I appreciate you for reading.

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