
What’s the shadiest thing you’ve seen your boss/company do?

Not necessarily illegal, just shady things you've seen at work First, I used to work for a high end furniture store. The owner would often take furniture from inventory and use it in his peronsal homes or rental properties. If people ever wanted to buy something from the website or something we had a model of on the sales floor and we didn't have it (or enough of it on stock) ..he would take the furniture from his house and sell it to the customer as new. This would be anything from Sofas, rugs, lamps, art, beds and tables.

Not necessarily illegal, just shady things you've seen at work

First, I used to work for a high end furniture store. The owner would often take furniture from inventory and use it in his peronsal homes or rental properties. If people ever wanted to buy something from the website or something we had a model of on the sales floor and we didn't have it (or enough of it on stock) ..he would take the furniture from his house and sell it to the customer as new. This would be anything from Sofas, rugs, lamps, art, beds and tables.

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