
what’s the solution for survival in the meantime?

People aren't making enough to live on even single-family, jobs are short staffing and becoming as automatic as possible, and so on. Things are bad and things are hard. But what's the solution? Intentional communities? Sharing smaller spaces to afford bills? I follow this movement as I can. I spread information as I can to build up the movement. But what can I actually do? What can we do in the meantime of something changing?

People aren't making enough to live on even single-family, jobs are short staffing and becoming as automatic as possible, and so on. Things are bad and things are hard. But what's the solution? Intentional communities? Sharing smaller spaces to afford bills?

I follow this movement as I can. I spread information as I can to build up the movement. But what can I actually do? What can we do in the meantime of something changing?

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