
What’s the worst “Thank you” an employer has ever given you?

I’ll start. I’m in IT and I was a System Administrator with my last employer. I was handed a project to upgrade the payroll servers, As well as upgrade the current software instance (it was 5 or 6 releases behind). I had no knowledge of the software so it took me 6 months to learn how it works and the company would not provide me with any training. I forgot to mention that the software vendor had quoted close to 80k for the work to be done by their techs and I would still have to prep the servers. The day comes where I have all the pieces in place and since the project manager was worthless, I took it upon myself to schedule the migration over a three day holiday weekend. It’s important to note that for those 6 months I would spend reading and trying to process they…

I’ll start. I’m in IT and I was a System Administrator with my last employer. I was handed a project to upgrade the payroll servers, As well as upgrade the current software instance (it was 5 or 6 releases behind). I had no knowledge of the software so it took me 6 months to learn how it works and the company would not provide me with any training. I forgot to mention that the software vendor had quoted close to 80k for the work to be done by their techs and I would still have to prep the servers.

The day comes where I have all the pieces in place and since the project manager was worthless, I took it upon myself to schedule the migration over a three day holiday weekend. It’s important to note that for those 6 months I would spend reading and trying to process they runs of the upgrade as per the instructions provided by the vendor. This is why it took so long, the instructions made no sense and when I would ask for assistance my employer would not pony up for a couple hours for a consultant to help out.

Long story short, I got it done and the PM gets all the credit for the work of course. Myself, I get a $20 Amazon gift card for the inconvenience of having to work a weekend . No recognition of the multiple hours required to teach myself the software on my time and, the lost weekends and saving them $80k.

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