
What’s this about?

(Not a mechanic but used to be) Okay so I have seen and heard some stuff about this Reddit. Nothing bad or good just random bits here and there. Please correct me where I am mistaken, but the gist seems to be worker rights and not being taken advantage of in the work place? I work in construction, usually 60+hrs/week. I see a lot shit talking on people who work like this. Some of it I understand, I’d say most businesses don’t/shouldn’t need their people working that long. Blue collar work obviously being a touch different. I genuinely like the work I do. I like seeing physical progress, makes me feel like I did something with my day. I have hobbies that I like to do sure but my job actually allows me to do some of them while working so I don’t worry about not having time to do…

(Not a mechanic but used to be)

Okay so I have seen and heard some stuff about this Reddit. Nothing bad or good just random bits here and there. Please correct me where I am mistaken, but the gist seems to be worker rights and not being taken advantage of in the work place?

I work in construction, usually 60+hrs/week. I see a lot shit talking on people who work like this. Some of it I understand, I’d say most businesses don’t/shouldn’t need their people working that long. Blue collar work obviously being a touch different.

I genuinely like the work I do. I like seeing physical progress, makes me feel like I did something with my day. I have hobbies that I like to do sure but my job actually allows me to do some of them while working so I don’t worry about not having time to do those. Admittedly part of the reason I like work, is that it allows me to not be responsible for how my day is spent. I genuinely don’t have an interest in going out and doing most things (along with the fact that some of them are too costly). I don’t know what I’d do with myself I only worked 40 hr/weeks.

Not here to fight or cause problems. Just trying to get a different perspective.

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