
What’s your most interesting “out of touch” story?

What are some of the most interesting “out of touch” things you’ve heard or seen? Has your crazy uncle ever complained that todays generation is lazy and that he put himself through school on a part time job that only paid $2.15/hr, graduated debt free, and that you could too if you weren’t so lazy? Only to have you point out that when adjusted for inflation, his bills were less and he made more. Have you ever talked with a person who said that young people (or you) make enough money but you just waste it on avocado toast at brunch while watching Netflix? Then handed them your budget and asked them to show you how to do it, only they can’t make the math work out on $15/hr. Let’s hear your craziest and stories!

What are some of the most interesting “out of touch” things you’ve heard or seen?

Has your crazy uncle ever complained that todays generation is lazy and that he put himself through school on a part time job that only paid $2.15/hr, graduated debt free, and that you could too if you weren’t so lazy? Only to have you point out that when adjusted for inflation, his bills were less and he made more.

Have you ever talked with a person who said that young people (or you) make enough money but you just waste it on avocado toast at brunch while watching Netflix? Then handed them your budget and asked them to show you how to do it, only they can’t make the math work out on $15/hr.

Let’s hear your craziest and stories!

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