
When asked why people aren’t getting promoted for hard woek, our boss said we should be lucky to work here

During a department-wide meeting today, someone asked why the company policy is that we do not offer promotions in the same role that you were hired in. Basically, if you want to be promoted you have to apply to a completely different job entirely. Someone asked why that was, and the response was so tone deaf, and honestly just aggressive as hell: “We are all lucky to work for such a great company, a lot of bigger companies are doing layoffs right now, And we are all lucky to be here working at this company, so I think it's important to keep that in mind that we are not doing layoffs. Sales are slowing, You should be grateful…” I'm honestly shocked that people can be such terrible leaders and so tone-deaf to concerns of people below them.

During a department-wide meeting today, someone asked why the company policy is that we do not offer promotions in the same role that you were hired in. Basically, if you want to be promoted you have to apply to a completely different job entirely. Someone asked why that was, and the response was so tone deaf, and honestly just aggressive as hell:

“We are all lucky to work for such a great company, a lot of bigger companies are doing layoffs right now, And we are all lucky to be here working at this company, so I think it's important to keep that in mind that we are not doing layoffs. Sales are slowing, You should be grateful…”

I'm honestly shocked that people can be such terrible leaders and so tone-deaf to concerns of people below them.

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