
When did housing become a privilege instead of a right?

Don't know if I'm even on the right sub, but it looks like it could be. Rant incoming too, so I'm sorry for that. I'm stuck feeling super depressed, de motivated, and…well…stuck. I work full time 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday in my dream job. I go to work and get to do what I love, I help people and the job has meaning. The money is quite reasonable too. When not at work I'm raising my son and studying. Despite all of this, I've spoken with banks and mortgage brokers who have straight up told me that they would love to give me a home loan, but they can't loan me enough to actually buy a home. I could get a lend of approximately $370K when the average price of homes in my area is approximately $1Million to $1.5 Million. That is for a 3 bedroom basic house.…

Don't know if I'm even on the right sub, but it looks like it could be.
Rant incoming too, so I'm sorry for that.

I'm stuck feeling super depressed, de motivated, and…well…stuck.
I work full time 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday in my dream job. I go to work and get to do what I love, I help people and the job has meaning. The money is quite reasonable too. When not at work I'm raising my son and studying.

Despite all of this, I've spoken with banks and mortgage brokers who have straight up told me that they would love to give me a home loan, but they can't loan me enough to actually buy a home. I could get a lend of approximately $370K when the average price of homes in my area is approximately $1Million to $1.5 Million. That is for a 3 bedroom basic house. No extras. No furnishings. And in some cases, not even a back yard.

I can't seem to even imagine a future where I can own a home. Co-workers and friends all seem to own one at least, having bought them during better times. I want to completely give up on the dream, but people keep telling me to save and buy one day instead of renting (which is also terrible here).
But why bother?

I've had to live at home with my mother for 8 years while I saved and studied so hard to get here, and the idea of spending more time at home completely kills my spirit. She is wonderful and does so much to help, but why should she have to? She spent her life working and raising 2 kids, and she deserves to rest and relax. I want to be independant, not relying on my mother for housing when I'm a full grown adult. It's not fair on her.

I don't know what to do, who I can talk to, how things got this way (for us all, I know some are struggling as much or more than I am, and I feel for you too) or if this will ever get better.

Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to vent this to people who might understand.
TLDR: Been studying and saving for 8 years, but have no options to buy because of the insane prices of housing.

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