
When did the language around employment change?

Seriously, when did words like “employee” and “job” change to “associate” and “role”? Language around work has subtly been changed to subconsciously create a more equal relationship between employee and employer instead of transactional (how it actually is) and we all kind of accepted it… or more like it was forced on us… But my question is, when did this actually happen? Its like I blinked and now companies had switched to this language. It feels like a Bernstein bears situation.

Seriously, when did words like “employee” and “job” change to “associate” and “role”?

Language around work has subtly been changed to subconsciously create a more equal relationship between employee and employer instead of transactional (how it actually is) and we all kind of accepted it… or more like it was forced on us…

But my question is, when did this actually happen? Its like I blinked and now companies had switched to this language. It feels like a Bernstein bears situation.

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