
When did you 1sr realize the system was “broken”?

for me it was when I turned 16. Had a paper route from the time I was 13, papers always delivered before 6am…., wage I was paid never changed even though the cost of a subscription had gone up every year . When, (at 16) I asked for a very modest raise, I was told that I should be actively recruiting new subscribers. I was notified by text message that I had been fired 2 weeks later. Not the worst example I'm sure. Still stings.

for me it was when I turned 16. Had a paper route from the time I was 13, papers always delivered before 6am…., wage I was paid never changed even though the cost of a subscription had gone up every year . When, (at 16) I asked for a very modest raise, I was told that I should be actively recruiting new subscribers. I was notified by text message that I had been fired 2 weeks later.

Not the worst example I'm sure. Still stings.

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