
When employees leave, coworkers get wrecked.

Nothing too revolutionary, more of a vent session. A coworker of mine (the bestie in the office) resigned and rightfully so. My boss did not care for them and it was apparent to the point where it was definitely unprofessional and toxic. Since they left, their workload has been divided to the 3 remaining staff members. I find it amazing how when coworkers leave, those who remain get wrecked, to the point where it’s very easy to resent the person who justifiably left. The cycle is so layered, in multiple ways, that it points us at one another instead of the source of the problem (In this case, it’s poor management). I thought this was a helpful perspective to reiterate that we are all in this together. Fix the source of the issues, we cannot turn on one another like they want us to. Thanks!

Nothing too revolutionary, more of a vent session. A coworker of mine (the bestie in the office) resigned and rightfully so. My boss did not care for them and it was apparent to the point where it was definitely unprofessional and toxic.

Since they left, their workload has been divided to the 3 remaining staff members. I find it amazing how when coworkers leave, those who remain get wrecked, to the point where it’s very easy to resent the person who justifiably left.

The cycle is so layered, in multiple ways, that it points us at one another instead of the source of the problem (In this case, it’s poor management).

I thought this was a helpful perspective to reiterate that we are all in this together.

Fix the source of the issues, we cannot turn on one another like they want us to. Thanks!

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