
When I worked in film processing…

One job was to sit at the end of a monstrous K14 machine that processed rolls of movie film. Once every 40 minutes or so I needed to cut the film and start a new reel. Boring AF. My boss walked by (his name was The Raving Asshole) and he saw me sitting down. He said, No one sits while running the k14 machine! I said, I do. He said, Either you stand up or you're going home! As he walked away, I said, I have a another idea… Either I sit down or I'm going home! His head about exploded. Not knowing how to respond, he knocked down a 6-foot tower of metal reels and yelled, Now pick these up! They were still scattered all over the floor when I left several hours later.

One job was to sit at the end of a monstrous K14 machine that processed rolls of movie film. Once every 40 minutes or so I needed to cut the film and start a new reel. Boring AF.
My boss walked by (his name was The Raving Asshole) and he saw me sitting down. He said, No one sits while running the k14 machine!
I said, I do.
He said, Either you stand up or you're going home!
As he walked away, I said, I have a another idea…
Either I sit down or I'm going home!
His head about exploded. Not knowing how to respond, he knocked down a 6-foot tower of metal reels and yelled, Now pick these up!
They were still scattered all over the floor when I left several hours later.

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