
When you’re still “lazy” with a full time job

I finally found a job I can work 40 hours at without wanting to kms. I've been here for about 8 months and the amount of daily stress I experience has lessoned dramatically from the physically demanding & busy jobs I had before. People bum me out about it though. I'm a cashier, and apparently that's not good enough. People comment on it way more than I deem appropriate. I'm freshly 23, what kind of job do they expect me to have ??? The nurse at my last check up asked what my dream job is, and I said “nothing”. She told me that “one day [I] will want to do something with my life and become independent.” HELLO??? I work full time!!! A real job!!! With a real paycheck !! That I do real work at !!! Also at what age are people going to stop asking what I'm…

I finally found a job I can work 40 hours at without wanting to kms. I've been here for about 8 months and the amount of daily stress I experience has lessoned dramatically from the physically demanding & busy jobs I had before.

People bum me out about it though. I'm a cashier, and apparently that's not good enough. People comment on it way more than I deem appropriate. I'm freshly 23, what kind of job do they expect me to have ??? The nurse at my last check up asked what my dream job is, and I said “nothing”. She told me that “one day [I] will want to do something with my life and become independent.” HELLO??? I work full time!!! A real job!!! With a real paycheck !! That I do real work at !!! Also at what age are people going to stop asking what I'm going to do with my life?!? Am I going to be 45 with a solid career, in a house of my own, STILL being asked what my plans are? Like when does it end?

Normally I just brush it off, but today a customer came in and literally told me that my job is “dead end” and he worked hard as an electrician to retire at 50, THIRTY YEARS AGO. Then tried to force me to apply for jobs I've never even heard of online because “he wishes he had”. Bro! I dont want a new job!

I finally find a job I enjoy working full time and now all anyone can say is that I should get a better job I'll start taking advice when someone who's life I envy gives me some. Until then let me breathe and enjoy my “dead end job” while I'm still young enough to do so. I didn't plan on being a cashier forever, and even if I did, WHY would anyone care????

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